SPSG is now offering highest-quality trademark searching

Mackenzie Long, J.D.,
Trademark Search Team Lead

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  1. Highest quality trademark searches performed by J.D.‘s with law firm trademark search and prosecution experience.

  2. U.S., state, and extensive common law coverage.

  3. Thoughtful, succinct, and curated search reports presented in clear, color-coded tiers of relevance.

  4. Fast turnaround: 3-5 business days

  5. Customized deliverable to fit specific client needs 

“We use SPSG for our trademark searching. Eugene and the greater SPSG team take a unique hands-on, curated approach in providing relevant trademark data that ultimately saves our team time, money, and helps lay the foundation to build strong trademark applications. Their approach combines robust trademark search tools and deep trademark prosecution expertise to produce search deliverables that have powerful value to our team.”
- Ryan Olson, CEO and Founder at Bunker.

TM Pricing
$400 - Federal U.S., $800 - Federal + States (50) + Common Law, $600 - Federal U.S. + States (50)

Please reach out to request your next trademark search at: